生物學-Charles Darwin


hominid n.原始人類
Homo erectus n.山頂洞人
Zhoukoudian n.周口店(中國地名)
charcoal n.木炭     vt.炭烤
climate n.氣候
Eurasia n.歐亞大陸
Charles Darwin 查理斯∙達爾文(提出:物競天擇理論)
Origin of Species 物種起源
Species 物種
creatures n.生物
evolution n.演變; 進化
natural selection 物競天擇說
furor n.喧鬧; 狂熱; 狂怒; 抗議
Neanderthal adj.穴居人的
fossil n.化石     adj.化石的


  • It is impossible to know when hominids began to use fire, since fires often occur naturally, and early hominids probably made use of this. However, we know that Homo erectus was a fire-user.
  • In the Zhoukoudian caves in China, burned bones and stones, thick ash beds, and charcoal have been found, showing that fire was being used 500,000 years ago.
  • In the cooler climate of Eurasia, fire would have provided much-needed warmth. It could also be used for cooking.
  • Charles Darwin was a British naturalist who in 1859 wrote a very important book called the Origin of Species.
  • Darwin had realized that animals and plants change over long periods of time because they compete for food and mates.
  • Only the “best” or “fittest” creatures survive, and those alive today are the result of millions of years of evolution. This is called natural selection.
  • Darwin caused a furor in 19th-century England by applying his theories to humans; the discovery of Neanderthal fossils proved that humans are also the product of evolution.