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Writing 「Task 2獨立題型」的重大發現

本次在「Task 2: 寫作獨立題型」有著重大的發現:與最新版TOEFL iBT官方指南提供Independent Task 的185個題目分析比對來看,在官方指南中只出現過一次的「三選一題型」在這半年的考試中,大幅提高了出現的機率,占比約27%,例如在2015-12-20、2016-01-24、2016-03-19等考試日期都出現了這樣的題型。這類的寫作題型在官方指南中並不明顯,但近半年的出現頻率卻漸漸提高,這對只用TOEFL官方教材準備考試的考生而言,要多加留意這個現象。考生務必加強此類考題的練習,千萬不可大意。

《2015-12-20的Task 2題目》

Out of the following three things, which one would you prefer to regulate in order to improve your health?
1. The kind of food you eat
2. The amount of exercise
3. The amount of stress in your life

《2015-01-24的Task 2題目》

In times of economic crisis, in which field do you think the government can cut financial support?
2.Scientific research
3.Parks and public gardens

《2015-03-19的Task 2題目》

A university has a club to help others. The club can undertake only one project this year.
Which of following project, you think the club should choose to do and why?

1.Members of the club help build houses for people who cannot afford to buy or rent a house.
2.Members of the club visit and assist elderly people who need help with daily tasks.
3.Members of the club help young students at a nearby primary school with reading and math.

其次,「支持反對類 (Do you agree or disagree) 的題型」出題率依然居高不下,佔比約35%,例如2015-11-15、2015-11-28、2015-12-05、2016-03-11、2016-03-26等考試日期,都出現了這類型的考題,與官方指南分析出的33%很接近。練習時務必謹慎以對。


從整理的考題內容不難發現聽、說、讀、寫考題裡面「生物科學」和「社會科學」的主題還是佔大宗,有超過50%的內容主題都離不開這兩個大項,其中又以「生物學」出現的頻率最高,光是在閱讀考試出現的頻率就超過30%。「遠古生物」又是生物學裡出題比率偏高的主題,例如「白堊紀時期」相關的主題在短短3個月內就出現了2次,2016-01-09閱讀題目「Extinction at the end of Cretaceous」、2016-03-11閱讀題目「Cretaceous Extinction」。對於準備時間較急迫的同學可以選擇頻率較高的主題做準備。