
托福獨立寫作-Independent Writing

托福獨立寫作-Independent Writing

讓人眼睛為之一亮的實用句型~ Various Sentence Structures 馬上記起來,馬上用!

托福獨立寫作的評分要素之一即是language use(語言使用), 除了文法正確,用字精準為得分關鍵之外,各種句型的掌握若拿捏恰當,游刃有餘的話,亦是我們得取高分的利器. 在此,與同學分享在獨立寫作的五段essay中,在介紹段(Introductory paragraph),中間論述段(body paragraphs),以及結論段(concluding paragraph)可以立馬使用的句型.幫助我們開啟每個段落的撰寫, 靈感就會在筆尖隨之而來.


  1. Never has …. failed to fascinate us in modern society.
  2. There exists the possibility of +Ving/N:存在…的可能性
    (此句為倒裝句,原句為the possibility of Ving exists there)
    例: By means of wildlife conservation, there exists the possibility of saving endangered animals and plants.
    (透過對野生動物的保護, 就存有拯救瀕臨絕種動植物的可能性)
  3. When it comes to …, S+V [註]:一談到…(注意:此處的to為介詞)
    例: When it comes to friendship, honesty is the best policy.
  4. To be sure, /Undoubtedly, the topic concerning…can always attract our eyes.:
    例: To be sure, the topic concerning tertiary education can always attract our eyes.


  1. The reason why + S+V is that + S+V: …之所以…主要在於
    例: The reason why a large number of customs have altered a great deal is that most of them are connected with some superstitious beliefs, and they cannot fit in this world with highly-developed technology.
  2. The most obvious reason for this phenomenon is that S+V造成該現象的最主要原因是…
  3. There are probably many reasons contributing to this phenomenon. 造成該現象的原因可能有很多
  1. It is conceivable/obvious/apparent that S+V
    例: It is conceivable that with the rapid development in society and economy, competition is becoming increasingly fierce.
    (可想而知的是, 隨著社會與經濟的快速發展,競爭變得愈來愈激烈)
  2. No one can deny the fact that S+V 無人能否認…
  1.  So + 形容詞 + be + 主詞 + that + S+V:太…以至於…
    例: So pervasive are advertisements that no one can avoid being influenced by them.
  2. ….leave much to be desired:…遠不能令人滿意(意即:事情還有很大的進步空間)
    例: The condition of our traffic leaves much to be desired.
  3.  A is to B what C is to D:A之於B就好比C之於D
    Air is to us what water is to fish.


  1. It is time + S+V過去式動詞:該是…的時候了(此句為假設法,所以動詞用過去式)
    例: It is time we evaluated the roles that modern technology plays in our life from more balanced and objective perspectives.
  2. Simply put, S+V. 簡而言之, S+V.
註: 文中以S+V表示的部分,請寫完整句子